Archives: romanticized routine (2016)
"Archives: Romanticized Routine" is a thesis exhibition by Su-yeon Kim, M.F.A in Glass at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. "Archives: Romanticized Routine" is an installation of imaginative archive that contains a collection of drawings created on inflated glass papers. The drawings are based on personal memories and knowledge, and they contain a narrative glorifying everyday life. Kim fictionalizes her memories into daily drawings to provide a hint of her personal experience, and this exposes how she thinks and observes the world around her. In other words, the drawings in the installation represent Kim's experience from the past indirectly, replicating her memories on paper or glass. This feigning of memories using the method of drawing, eventually causes the viewer to question what is 'real' and 'unreal'.
The exhibition narrates delightful and valuable moments hidden in everyday routine. Kim's drawings on glass are revealed only by a specific position of the light source. The viewer finds the hidden message from the drawings by walking around the piece, determining and building their own narrative by observing the engraved lines on glass and the shadow created by the glass. The drawings romanticize moments from everyday to emphasize memorable times in ordinary life. For Kim, the daily drawings are not only the collection of memories from daily life, but they are a method to observe and interact with everyday life.
The exhibition narrates delightful and valuable moments hidden in everyday routine. Kim's drawings on glass are revealed only by a specific position of the light source. The viewer finds the hidden message from the drawings by walking around the piece, determining and building their own narrative by observing the engraved lines on glass and the shadow created by the glass. The drawings romanticize moments from everyday to emphasize memorable times in ordinary life. For Kim, the daily drawings are not only the collection of memories from daily life, but they are a method to observe and interact with everyday life.